Blog Post


The Power and Lessons from Rest and Renewal

Dear JustFund Community,

It took me a long time to realize the importance of rest and renewal, not just as a form of self-care, but as a catalyst for innovation and growth. I have had to learn that taking time off isn’t being lazy and that resting for a period of time isn’t shirking my responsibilities as a CEO. Up until very recently, I would take my laptop on family vacations and convince myself it was better to tread water at work and manage emails while on vacation, rather than to come back to a full inbox.

What this really meant, is that I never had time fully away from the work and I didn’t have enough space to let ideas breathe; I didn’t give myself enough distance from problems and challenges to develop perspective; and I certainly didn’t let my mind rest.

I now understand that rest — a real break from work — is crucial not only for my physical and mental well-being, but also that rest enhances creativity as it gives our minds the opportunity to wander, explore new ideas, and make connections we may have otherwise not considered.

I’m excited to share that the team returned from our inaugural Summer Week of Restoration, recharged and ready to advance our mission to move more money to movements! 

I hope that all of you are able to experience rest soon.

Iara Peng, Founder & CEO

Iara Duarte Peng

Iara Duarte Peng

Iara Duarte Peng is the Founder and CEO of JustFund.

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