Blog Post


Technology’s Growing Role in Philanthropy

Dear JustFund Community,

We know that technology is starting to change the way we give, yet the impact is still slow to take hold at scale. When you consider that there is $142 Billion currently sitting in Donor Advised Funds and that there is a sustained interest within philanthropy to fund historically excluded communities, the impact of tech-centered solutions could be game-changing.

Here are five ways JustFund’s innovative and unprecedented technology is already impacting how people move money. We’re on track to hit $200M moved to BIPOC-led and chronically underfunded organizations – but the big story is in the way money moves: centered on equity and built on trust.

Check out the full Top 10 list on social media over the next week and hear more stories from our JustFunders on how our tech is transforming their giving!

10. Build Community. Ever feel like you’re funding in isolation and wonder what other people are finding and funding? You’re not alone. JustFunders can connect with each other and fund in community. See who else is interested in what you fund – and connect for greater impact.

9. Fund entire ecosystems. Do you wonder if funding one organization is enough to make the kind of change you want to see? If you’re looking for other organizations that fit the criteria that interests you (e.g. voting rights organization, working in Georgia, serving the Black community, BIPOC-led, under $1M), you’ve got unlimited search options in JustFund to find exactly what you’re looking for – and move money to multiple groups working at those intersections.

8. Easily prepare dockets. One of my least favorite jobs when I was running a donor collaborative was preparing dockets for my board. It took me days, if not weeks to collate information into multiple types of summaries and to analyze the types of groups we funded. Not anymore! JustFund lets you prepare dockets with a simple click of a button. Preserve your valuable time for something else!

7. Make data-driven decisions. What if you could see at a glance dozens of characteristics of organizations that applied to you and you could run cross-tabs on their organizational budgets and size of grant requests? What if you could see data on who applied to your fund vs who you funded? All of that data is available to you on JustFund so you can make better informed, data-driven decisions.

6. Build transparency into giving. JustFund’s tech allows us to know what groups need in terms of funding, who is funding them, and what gaps remain. This is incredibly powerful as we work in community to move resources to groups that need funding to address systemic issues.

Read the rest of our Top 10 list here – and share with us what you see as the greatest benefits of technology’s growing role in philanthropy. 


Iara Peng, Founder & CEO

Iara Duarte Peng

Iara Duarte Peng

Iara Duarte Peng is the Founder and CEO of JustFund.

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