Blog Post

What a year 2021 was…
Dear JustFund Community,
I continue to be struck by the exclusionary and expensive nature of traditional philanthropy, which makes funding accessible to only select nonprofits with the right expertise and networks, not to mention prohibitively costly for organizations and funders to seek and distribute funding. We can and we must do better.
Our JustFund team is proud to support the values-aligned grantmaking of our 400+ JustFund community, who are actively challenging outdated practices, and building new ones rooted in equity and grounded in trust.
Together we have moved $114M and issued nearly 2,000 grants through our equitable solution that utilizes a common application, saving organizations thousands of hours and dollars. We are incredibly proud to have welcomed 1,143 organizations into the portal in 2021, bringing the total number of organizations to 5,162.
In 2022, JustFund will be working hard to scale our platform and standardize our services so that more folks in philanthropy can access our unique, equitable, trust-based grantmaking solution and, together, we can move more money to movements.
We look forward to working with you to ensure our most vulnerable communities have the resources they need to thrive.
With gratitude and hope,
Iara Peng, Founder & CEO