Dear JustFund Community, Collaborative funds allow multiple donors to pool their resources and make a bigger impact. Funds like Decolonizing Wealth, Emergent Fund, Constellations Culture Change Fund, and dozens of other collaboratives run their grant cycles using the JustFund Common ApplicationTM, saving their applicants valuable time, giving their applicants access to additional funding opportunities, and centering equity and…

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Dear JustFund Community, The JustFund Common ApplicationTM consists of two parts: 1) a common profile that applicants fill out once; and 2) any specific questions and attachments requested by each funder (up to 3 each). JustFund is undergoing a beautiful redesign to make the application even easier to navigate for applicants and to provide useful information…

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Dear JustFund Community, Our flagship grantmaking solution: the JustFund Common Application™ is the nation’s first — and only — common application platform  to move money quickly. Rather than requiring organizations to complete dozens of separate and time-consuming grant proposals, our common application platform saves grantseekers valuable time and allows them to apply to multiple funding opportunities…

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Dear JustFund Community, I’ve been reflecting on Women’s History Month and thinking about the many women who broke barriers, in particular in the field of technology. As a female tech founder of color, I am acutely aware that women – particularly women of color — continue to be underrepresented in this field. While we have a long…

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“We’ve crossed 200 million dollars moved!” If that isn’t the best message to receive from the team, I don’t know what is.   When I launched JustFund in 2017, I had one singular vision: to simplify grantmaking and figure out a seamless way to move money in service of racial and social equity.  Today, we’ve reached…

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Dear JustFund Community, When the Stanford Social Innovation Review released their article on Overcoming the Racial Bias in Philanthropic Funding in 2020, it reported what many of us have been experiencing our entire careers as leaders of color: “racial bias — both personal and institutional, conscious and unconscious — creeps into all parts of the philanthropic and grantmaking process.…

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JustFund, the first and only nonprofit grantmaking solution created by funders and organizers of color, is pleased to announce the hiring of three new senior leadership roles: Katie Branch as JustFund’s Director of Customer Experience, Preeti Shukla as JustFund’s Head of Product and Engineering, and Marci Ovadia as JustFund’s Director of Marketing and Communications. These…

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Dear JustFund Community, I planned to kick off 2023 with joy and celebration, yet the tragic events from the past three weeks are giving us much reason to pause and grieve already in this new year. We’ve barely had time to process the last major tragedy before another one takes place and leaves us with…

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Dear JustFund Community, It takes, on average, 15-25 hours for an organization to apply for funding. That translates roughly into $5,000 spent every time an organization seeks a grant, which they will only receive 30% of the time.  For the 6,600 organizations using JustFund, they spend about an hour applying for funding using our common…

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Dear JustFund Community, Philanthropy and its systems and structures have a racial bias that results in the chronic underfunding of multiple communities, including groups that are BIPOC-led. One way our racial bias manifests in grantmaking is through access: who gets to apply for funding? Usually, the answer depends on who you know. Do you have…

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